New World Order

We are a culture of carbonated beverages, alcoholic happiness and high speed internet. Pursuers of evenings at restaurants on weekends after a week of sitting behind a desk in a chair that doesn't feel right. Followers of work hard (at jobs you hate) and party harder (so for one night you can forget that the job you'll struggle through for the rest of your life, exists). We are slaves to the dismal stories on the picture tube and the three hour long love affairs of people that pretend to understand the meaning of happiness. Slaves of caffeine infested eyes and head phoned ears. Ours is the time of droughts on earth and water on moon. Of greenhouse gases, boisterous hurricanes and unforgiving tsunamis. Starless nights and receding coastlines, pet boa constrictors and endangered eagles. We live in an age of Facebook friends and online romance, diminishing distances and increasing cyberspace, youtube wedding tapes and flixter family albums. High definition celebrities, satellite locations, flat screen TVs and expansive greed. Miniature cellular phones and touch-screen music. Nuclear warheads but infuriating power cuts. Advancing technology but diminishing humanity. Freshly spawned religions but the same good old racism. Ritalin induced concentration and anti-depressant smiles. Of eternal love that last for a month, of poetry that has now become cheesy and web-cam meetings. Of short message services and captured memories. Of teen pregnancy and swift abortions. Split personalities and bipolar disorders. Silicone implants and diabetic amputation. Flying wizards and vegetarian vampires. Mayan predictions, disappearing oil and exponential population. An age of glorious pasts and doomed future. A epoch of changing languages, where vowels have become superfluous and spellings are unnecessary. So welcome to 2010 where if u dnt undrstand wht u r readin' rght now, u're in a plce where u dnt belong n da ppl u want to be wid u, r alrdy chnging dere convictions to be part of dis new age. Where eider u r 1 of dem, or a hopeless old bore. We are victims of our prejudice and perpetrators of our own misery. And it’ll be a long time before these things change. Have a very happy new bloody year.
But, after all of these arguments there is one reason why you should celebrate the commencement of 2010. It is after all, a World Cup year. GO WAZZA!

Posted by Marred | at 1:54 AM


k said...

Couldn't agree more adu ...keep writing!..dont know if u got my msgs from delhi .........anyway have a wonderful end of 09!

Unknown said...

well written adu...guess im pretty late already..but u c Radhey is like dat...haha..keep it cuming.

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