The First Shower

Today was the first shower of the new season. What ensued was a tree torn apart, three hours of darkness and a drenched me. But it was all worth it, to feel the irrational joy of getting wet in the simple but heavenly drops of water that rushed down upon me, to forget for those few moments of unexplainable madness, everything that able to bring me down so easily and to feel alive in the moment at hand without what I regret and without what I’ve been promised. It’s an extraordinary feeling from such a dull, vapid and ordinary event. In truth, it is nothing more than the water cycle that we had to study so many times in our school years. Water evaporates, cools down and then precipitates. Two plus two equals four. But there are things that transcend the rational thinking. Somehow it is difficult to include the liberating outcome of rain within the confines of the tangible explanations of reason. How can anyone explain the freedom, the joy, and the euphoria of a simple February rain? Such things aren’t rational. But being rational is never that fun, getting wet in the rain however, is. And fun is highly underrated. What happens next? A cold? A cough? Pfff, bring it ON! All worth it. Anyway, here’s a poem I wrote about it.

The first shower

The burdening heat, the unrelenting cold.
The endless reminders of dreams I’ve sold.
I remember it all in cruel clarity,
In every hated bead of sweat, in every shiver of regretted sanity.

Give me a drop of freedom,
A potion to take away the pain.
A drug to numb my senses,
An evening of heavenly rain.

Let it rain tonight without a pause,
Let it drown all that I ever was.
Let it break my chains and set me free.
And let me decide who I will be.

The rain washes away old mistakes,
It directs me to paths un-tread.
It saves my soul and if only for a moment
It awakens in me what I thought was dead.

Drenched in this cathartic shower,
There is no future, there is no past.
Everything I have, began this moment
And it will remain till the moment lasts.

‘Such stupid notions, such ridiculous ideas.
A molecule of water could never do what you claim.
It's just a down pour of a futile liquid.
Your thoughts are indicators of an unstable brain.’

You'd never understand the absolving power,
Of a simple joyous evening rain.
I’d give up the remainder of my sanity,
Just to feel this way again.

The rain stops, a fresh breeze invades.
A deep breath to mark a new start.
The moment has passed, a new one begins.
But is there courage still left in my heart?

Can I carry on after the rain?
Fight on against the heat and cold.
Will all that I fear haunt me again?
Or will I decide how my life unfolds?

Posted by Marred | at 11:03 AM


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